I'm still absolutely not the better for this news, I have to say. Really looking forward to the last run of shows - although zero mascara will be worn to work that week! Something I've personally taken from this - I can't remember if it was Radio Highlights or Bespoke but you said change is evolution, and you speak so positively about your time there and your co-workers. It genuinely never occured to me before that we can leave jobs we are happy in. It's definitely given me lots of food for thought in my own career. Thanks so much for sharing yourself with us all these years, and especially for all the company and great laughs you and the lads have given me on the morning commute.

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Yeah leaving a job you love is tough. Not as tough as being fired from a job you need. Lucky to be offered other things. I won't mascara final week either. I expect to piss my face daily! Bless

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I’m still feeling super gutted about you leaving and knowing it won’t be the same. I do struggle with change sometimes so reading this article was good for me. Thanks for the great banter, the insightful chat and the laughs over the years. Really going to miss you and Jeremy together!

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Thanks. Yeah change just keeps coming. It's a real Landslide by Fleetwood Mac situation. Thanks for listening to us over the years. Jerry will be wicked with who ever he ends up with

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Funny you say that so many life events happen when you're doing 'the thing'... It's the same for listeners I reckon. I remember I got my first job in Mosgiel Dunedin in 2016 (grad job, long story) and have great memories listening to you two helmets driving over Three Mile Hill road. Fast forward a couple years, moved to London and would listen on the tube home from work. Now a few more years in, I don't miss an ep over in Melbourne.

All this to say, thank you for providing the wounding soundtrack to our lives. All the best punishing it up with the Hoskings collective. Bless.

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That's awesome. So many different locations same ear punishment 😀. It's been an honour to be a small part of your life mate

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Long time listener. Going to miss you on Hauraki & your brilliant humour filled take on life!! Will definitely be tuning into ZB to enjoy how you interact with the Boomers and set Talkback alight! All the Best M8

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Thanks mate. I imagine the text machine will be spicy for a while at ZB. I am a bit of a punisher and a wounder after all. I say bring it on!

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thank you Matt for all you have done!!! I've lived these 11 years with you & you have influenced me in ways I couldn't have imagined. bless bless its been emotional

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Thanks Preston. Amazing that it's been 11 years. Crazy. I only found that out last Wednesday. Felt like about 6 at most to me. It's been ridiculously fun.

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That was a lovely read , um is this the first official word that mash is indeed now not an intern. On a serious note 📝 thanks for everything and I'll be joining ya on zb as I was a huge si and jd fan . Its amazing looking back at life as for you and everyone else at any point a small decision could alter it all ( vodka ) but it seems the simulation is pleased with your choices fine sir . Onward and upward. Bless bless bless now I actually am busy so I better go.

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Yeah thank good I didn't go for the daily booze option. Def drunk a bit on air but only for fun not out of necessity 😀. I have no knowledge on what is happening next on Hauraki. I don't think anyone does. I'll be listening as a fan. But Tyler and I will appreciate you tuning in on ZB we you can. Bless

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An absolute bonafide legend. All the best with your next gig Matt.

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Thanks Andy and thanks for reading my punishing article. Have a great day. I tell you want my kids have been getting up to murder in the mornings while I've been at work for 11 years

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What a great article! Still can't imagine going through the morning routine each day without the banter with you and Jerry. Your replacement has some very big shoes to fill!

The Delta Tapes will forever be one of the best parts of being stuck in lockdown during covid too.

Also, when did Mashy get promoted from intern to co-host???

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Wow the Delta Tapes. Making those for me through. I'd spend a whole day writing those punishing songs.

Re:Mash maybe he is still an intern?

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You're a good man, Matt Heath. I've really enjoyed listening to you over the past 11 years on Hauraki. Looking forward to the Matt and Hosking breakfast show and podcast in the near future.

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Haha I feel like I have been there with Jerry's Hosking impersonations!

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Good luck for the next gig Matt! The Matt, Jerry and Loz era of hauraki is my favourite, I still occasionally get “Corey Corey Corey Corey Anderson, loz reads the news, he reads the spo-ort” stuck in my head!

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Oh wow I had forgotten that. We were a great trio. But she was always destined to leave us and become the superstar she is.

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Absolutely! Loved your book as well - have you thought of making a version for teenage boys? Some great stuff in there but maybe needs to be a bit more PG? Not too much though! Bless

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Thanks. Yeah could probably clean up parts of it. The couch maybe?

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Great read, thanks for all the laughs ect ect ect , you’ll be missed .

Regards Donny from the Mot

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Thanks for being with us all these years mate bless!

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